HyLearn - Hybrid Learning Methodology for Andragogues (project No. 2022-1-LT01-KA220-ADU-000086565)
Project aims at empowering adult educators who mostly work in F2F learning environments, to create and implement hybrid learning (HL) practices supported with virtual assistant.
Specific objectives are:
To enhance adult educators skills related to the design and implementation of HL practices.
To boost adult educators' awareness and digital skills to design courses using HL methodology.
To improve adult educators experience in HL supported with virtual assistant (VA).
The main project results will be:
Compendium on hybrid learning (HL) practices.
Hybrid learning methodology for educators.
Framework for virtual assistance in HL, Re-designed modules.
Project coordinator:
VšĮ "Žmogiškųjų išteklių plėtros centras" (Lithuania),
Project partners:
GrowthCoop (Spain),
Stowarzyszenie SEDA (Poland),
Kauno rajono trečiojo amžiaus universitetas (Lithuania),
Project implementation period: from 2022-12-31 till 2024-12-30.
DiPsyCa - Strengthening the Digital and Psychological Capacity of Employees for the Effective Remote Work (project No. 2022-1-LT01-KA220-ADU-000088290).
Project main idea is to strengthen the digital and psychological readiness of employees to switch to remote or hybrid work.
The main project objectives are:
Develop structured, consistent, visualized learning materials and tools to develop the digital competencies needed to work effectively remotely.
To create a set of tools for developing emotional resilience, which will help to overcome the challenges of working remotely.
Develop an open distance learning course for self-training and self-assessment.
The main project results will be:
Developed an open interactive distance learning course, enabling the development of digital skills required for remote work and increasing psychological resilience.
Improved digital competencies of the project target group required for remote work and enhanced psychological resilience - 150 adults.
Strengthened project implementing organizations. Improved digital competencies of employees, enabling more efficient and high-quality participation in cooperation projects.
Project coordinator:
Social Projects Institute (Lithuania),
Project partners:
VšĮ “Informacijos technologijų mokymo centras” (Lithuania),
Euroface Consulting s.r.o. (Czech Republic),
VšĮ "Žmogiškųjų išteklių plėtros centras" (Lithuania),
Stichting Kenniscentrum Pro Work (Netherlands),
Project implementation period: from 2022-12-31 till 2024-12-30.
Project website:
Project Facebook page:
IMONED: Improvement of the knowledge, skills and competence of the teachers in on-line and distance education (No. 2020-1-ES01-KA201-082730).
About the project
The project is directed for school education – teachers of various kinds of schools (primary and secondary). Project answers to the priority “Strengthening the profiles of the teaching profession” by elaborating dedicated for school education and teachers products.
Those products are devoted to teachers who are not very familiar with distance learning problems in the current epidemic situation. Apart from the present situation the problem with gaps in knowledge among teachers in the area of distance learning will last. The IMONED project, by answering the priority ” Innovative practices in the digital area” is going to help to reduce these problems in countries, where the problem appeared unexpectedly.
Project IMONED aims also for long term needs of teachers to raise their skills and competences in elaboration of the modern educational content for their apprentices and permanent self-development in the innovative and modern technologies and tools.
Meeting the objectives of the project will be developed intellectual outcomes:
IO1 – New and innovative curriculum of the distance learning and training methodology.
IO2 – Technological abilities and devices for sorting out separation learning and tools for creating content for separation learning.
Project website:
MENNET: Mentoring Network for Facilitating Access to Upskilling Pathways (No.2018-1-LT01-KA204-046946)
About the project
MENNET will increase participation of low skilled adults and adults with fewer opportunities in lifelong learning and will improve their skills which will help to integrate into society better and easier.
The MENNET project would target adults with a low level of skills, knowledge and competences. This will be achieved by delivering education and training in appropriate learning settings in which qualified teachers and trainers apply adult-specific teaching methods and exploit the potential of digital learning.
Project objectives:
To evaluate the level of low skilled adults and with fewer opportunities competencies for writing, reading, calculations use computer.
To encourage the continuing development of low skilled adults and adults with fewer opportunities by using the innovative education models; by creating training program with sub-modules for their reading, writing, calculations and use of computer competencies.
To create mentoring platform for the reading, writing, calculations and use of computer competencies improvement.
Project website:
Public Institution "Human Resources Development Center"
Company code: 302706911
Address: S. Raštikio str. 59, Kaunas
E. mail:
Phone number: +370 613 77367