About the project "DiPsyCa"
"DiPsyCa" - Strengthening the Digital and Psychological Capacity of Employees for the Effective Remote Work.
Project main idea is to strengthen the digital and psychological readiness of employees to switch to remote or hybrid work.
The main project objectives:
Develop structured, consistent, visualized learning materials and tools to develop the digital competencies needed to work effectively remotely.
To create a set of tools for developing emotional resilience, which will help to overcome the challenges of working remotely.
Develop an open distance learning course for self-training and self-assessment.
The main project results will be:
Developed an open interactive distance learning course, enabling the development of digital skills required for remote work and increasing psychological resilience.
Improved digital competencies of the project target group required for remote work and enhanced psychological resilience - 150 adults.
Strengthened project implementing organizations. Improved digital competencies of employees, enabling more efficient and high-quality participation in cooperation projects.
Project coordinator:
Social Projects Institute (Lithuania), http://spinstitutas.lt/
Project website: https://www.dipsyca.eu/english-home/